Core Values

Consent, Freedom of Sexual Expression, Authenticity, Originality, and Diversity are the values that have made UVIU the leading ad-supported, adult content hosting and streaming website, because they empower, inspire, liberate and revolutionize our understanding of sexuality and sexual expression.


Consent is mandatory. Any content uploaded to UVIU must be consensual. 

We define Consent as the express, voluntary, and non-coerced agreement or willingness to engage in a specific sexual activity, and, where applicable, to produce, or disseminate content for a particular audience. It is the power we, as individuals, have over our bodies, image, and the content we generate or of which we are a part. Consent is paramount to protecting the safety of our users and the integrity of our platform.

We insist that all those uploading content onto our platform ensure that they have the required consent from all those featured and otherwise in any way involved with the content in question. When you are working with others, whether participants, performers, or producers you must always take all necessary actions to protect yourself, all persons involved, and your content. 

Remember that pornography does not always represent sexual interactions and behaviors typical of everyday life, and can depict diverse fantasies and role-play by consenting amateurs and professionals.


  • Confirm that all subjects of uploads are over eighteen (18) years of age (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority);
  • Educate yourself on consent and how to recognize it;
  • Ensure you have the valid consent of all parties featured in the content to post or share said content at the time of submission;
  • Adhere to the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service.
  • Alert us immediately of any content you believe to be non-consensual;


  • Upload or share any content involving individuals under eighteen (18) years of age (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority);
  • Upload content without having the valid consent of all those featured, or otherwise involved, in the production of the content;
  • Upload any content if you’re unsure as to whether you have the valid consent necessary to share or post that content;
  • Assume you have permission to post content without express and valid consent of all parties featured;
  • Pressure someone into sexual activity or sharing intimate content using fear, intimidation, or misrepresentation;
  • Post or expose personal or confidential information about any individual without their consent;
  • Violate the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service.

UVIU never encourages, condones, or tolerates non-consensual content.

For more information on how we treat non-consensual content, please review our Non-Consensual Content Policy, and our Terms of Service. 

Freedom of Sexual Expression
We aren’t afraid to keep it kinky, fun, and even vanilla at UVIU. We understand that sexual expression is ambiguous, subjective, and complex - there is no norm when it comes to what turns you on! When acted out by consenting adults in safe environments and adhering to our Terms of Service desires, fetishes and fantasies are welcomed and supported on our platform.



  • Feel free and unashamed to share and indulge in what excites and entertains you - so long as that content adheres to our Terms of Service;
  • Enjoy and explore yourself, our platform, and what the UVIU community has to offer;
  • Remember pornography does not always represent sexual interactions and behaviors typical of everyday life, and can depict diverse fantasies and role-play by consenting amateurs and professionals;
  • Respect the UVIU values, Terms of Service, and community of users.


  • Repress or oppress others on the UVIU platform;
  • Assume diverse fantasies and role-play are appropriate in every day sexual interactions without seeking and obtaining valid consent from the other individuals involved;
  • Violate our Terms of Service.
Authenticity, like consent, is an integral part of the content that makes UVIU the leader in adult entertainment.  When uploading content to our site, Impersonating and Misrepresenting with intent to cause harm or spread misinformation is not tolerated.



  • Abide by the minimum age of majority set out by your jurisdiction, as outlined in our Terms of Service. Only visit, view, and/or use our platform if you are at least (18) years of age (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority);
  • Upload and share original and consensual adult content;
  • Adhere to the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service


  • Upload or share any content involving individuals under eighteen (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority);
  • Create a profile assuming to speak for another individual, group or entity without authorization.
  • Upload or share content with the explicit aim of deceiving people;
  • Misrepresent your identity or those featured in content with the intent to cause harm.
  • Impersonate others with the aim of causing harm or dangerous behavior;
  • Violate the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service.
Posting stolen content is a copyright infringement and a direct violation of our Terms of Service, so make sure you post only content that is yours or over which you have the rights. Remember, copyright is complicated. You may be in the video but may have no right to it. To ensure no one reuploads your content without your permission, you can fingerprint, or if you find your content on UVIU, simply fill out our DMCA form and unauthorized content will be removed. 

DMCA stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Learn more about our Copyright policy our DMCA Takedown Process.


  • Upload original content;
  • Share content and support content creators with their consent and authorization;
  • Fill out our DMCA form to remove unauthorized copyright infringement;
  • Consider fingerprinting your content for free with MediaWise from Vobile as an added layer of protection of the content in question*;
  • Learn more about our Copyright;
  • Adhere to the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service.

    We use MediaWise®, a third-party automated audiovisual identification system, to assist us in identifying and blocking content from being uploaded by users. Videos uploaded to UVIU are compared against MediaWise®’s database of digital fingerprints. When a video is matched to a digital fingerprint, access to it is disabled. If you are interested in having your content digitally fingerprinted by the provider of the automated audiovisual identification system we use, please contact Vobile Customer Support at or by phone 1-408-492-1100.


  • Upload content that is not yours;
  • Assume you have the authorization to upload someone else’s content;
  • Share content you know to be or constitutes copyright infringement;
  • Otherwise violate the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service.
Diversity shouldn’t be a kink, but it is a big turn-on. So whatever your ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, ability, or body type, the UVIU community welcomes all consenting adults to connect, upload and share original content, shame-free. Our platform is for exploration and discovery, and we don’t permit any discriminatory abuse towards any user.



  • Feel empowered to upload content no matter your ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, ability, or body type;
  • Connect with the community and explore or discover your kink;
  • Learn more about our Violent Content Policy and how context and consent are integral;
  • Subscribe to your favorite channels, tip and support your favorite performers;
  • Adhere to the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service.


  • Shame or abuse anyone based on their ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, ability, body-type, or kink;
  • Post abusive or hateful comments or messages of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, fat-shaming, or otherwise derogatory nature intended to hurt or shame those individuals featured;
  • Incite or encourage others to post abusive or hateful comments or messages;
  • Incite or encourage violence towards any individual, group, or entity;
  • Violate the requirements outlined in our Terms of Service.
* Consent and intent are integral to the UVIU platform, community, and all images and videos uploaded to the site. Context therefore plays a critical role in evaluating and distinguishing between the diverse, and often, provocative content that reflects our freedom of sexual expression value and that is tolerated on our platform, from what clearly crosses the line and is strictly prohibited.
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